During the stay abroad, there is the risk of medical conditions that may become serious, especially for Israelis who are in a foreign country, and far from the medical services they are familiar with in Israel.
In some cases, there is a right to receive health services that are included in the health basket, by virtue of a state health insurance law that states that medical services that are required and received, up to a total of $250,000, are available without the insured’s deductible. Another option is a medical flight service from abroad, and Yossi Ambulance provides this service directly.
Insurance companies allow financial coverage for insureds who have purchased an appropriate policy, but there are cases when travelers are unable to arrive to receive the appropriate treatment, or they encounter other problems that prevent them from receiving appropriate treatment.
For these cases, we activated the company’s service, which is designed to provide assistance to travelers abroad. Our experienced teams are knowledgeable in dealing with medical emergencies, including saving lives, and have the level of training, comprehensive experience and knowledge required to provide medical assistance services abroad, to Israeli travelers who face health problems.
Our service center, which functions around the clock, serves customers in Israel and abroad, with an immediate response by any means of communication, including by phone, WhatsApp, emails, and video calls.
The service mechanisms are based on dealing with the insurance companies, to assemble the appropriate coverage and the plan for treatment abroad or to fly the injured to Israel. The doctors of the center, who are available 24/7, diagnose the problem and recommend the appropriate treatment according to the condition and location of the traveler.
The medical teams reach Israeli travelers who experience medical emergencies wherever they are in the world, and use advanced medical equipment, according to the type of event and the destination country.
Based on the condition of the patient diagnosed by the center’s doctors – whether in emergency cases, acute respiratory problems or special trauma situations, or whether it is chronic diseases, we assign the appropriate medical team.
Each of the members of the medical team has extensive experience in critical care, and each professional who works with us has successfully completed rigorous annual training programs, the purpose of which is to ensure up-to-date skills that are provided at the highest level, alongside the full knowledge to deal with bureaucratic procedures related to medical treatments abroad, and medical benefits.
Upon diagnosing the problem, the team communicates with the patient’s Israeli doctors, in order to understand his medical history, along with performing the required treatments on the spot:
Throughout all these stages, the patient’s family members are informed and updated about his condition. Upon his return to Israel, an ambulance and medical staff are waiting at the airport to take him to the hospital. At the end of the treatment, all the documents required to update the medical file at the HMO are sent to the patient.
A medical treatment service abroad allows patients to receive a medical response from a professional team, including flying to Israel from the country where the injury occurred, until arriving at the hospital or any other destination in Israel.
Yossi Ambulance company has agreements with all the health insurance funds in Israel, so that any Israeli traveler who is hurt, injured or ill abroad, will receive the service, regardless of the health insurance fund he is a member of.
If and when a situation of injury or harm occurs during the stay abroad, it is possible to receive a professional medical response that includes the use of the required medical equipment, such as resuscitation equipment, ventilators, and advanced medical equipment.